RHS ECHO: Online student news

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RHS ECHO: Online student news

RHS ECHO: Online student news

School Construction to begin in 2011

After much anticipation from science teachers in need of  newer labs and classrooms, the remodeling designs for school have nearly been completed. The addition to where the courtyard is presently located is scheduled to be given notice to proceed during the second week of March, 2011. Development is expected to be completed within ten months, around January or February of 2012. Dr. Aaron Zalis, Superintendent of the Rolla Public School district gives more information on the renovations.

“If you look at this building it doesn’t really have a front unless you come out to the drive, this will give it new presence to this part of the building.” Zalis explained.

Zalis goes on to discuss the new science labs and classrooms.

“We will literally double the size of the existing ones,” Zalis said.

The current science rooms will also be renovated after the new ones are complete. The science teachers will be involved in the design.

“There is a list of permits that have to be approved before we can proceed, and the contractors get to look at the drawings so they can make accurate bids and then we accept the bid based upon who is best. We give the contractor the ability to proceed, then they start digging,” Zalis said.

A lot of the construction will take place when school is not in session, because there will be heavy equipment for the reconstruction. The upper and lower commons will also be made larger, and there will be about seven new classrooms.

“The whole project for all three buildings is 8.3 million dollars, maybe a little more close to 9 million,” Zalis said. Renovations are also being planned for a new cafeteria in the Junior High School, and new classrooms for the Middle School. The construction for the High School is going to be around 4 million dollars.

A few houses are being bought along the football and baseball field to offer additional expansions if needed.

“Our plan would be to continue to do that for if we ever wanted to build an auditorium or additional locker rooms,” Zalis explained.

The direction for further expansion would be into the current parking lots.

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