RHS ECHO: Online student news

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RHS ECHO: Online student news

RHS ECHO: Online student news

Library Adds Security System

Walking into the library caused a shock in many students as they took in the new book security system. Resembling metal detectors, this system prevents students from stealing books, an issue which has been unknown to most of the school.
“We had an overwhelming amount of missing books when I took over this position. Last year alone, we had over 400 items missing,” librarian Jesse Shields said.
With over 400 books being stolen in one year, it had a definite impact on the library. Stolen books are not an item easily replaced, and new books and reference books seem to be taken the most.
“Reference books and new books are very expensive, so that’s a lot of money just walking out the door,” Shields said.
Often, students are not allowed to check out reference books because more than one person might need them, and new books usually must be put on hold before a student can check them out. As a result, these are the books that are stolen the most.
“When we have some new books in, and kids are looking for them and we can’t find them, then we know that they are stolen,” Shields said.
With the new security system in place, the library will save hundreds of dollars.
“The security system will pay for itself in two years time,” Shields said.
A sign posted on the detectors stating ‘I don’t know if it will hurt your cell phone, do you have it with you?’ has students worried. Shields assures students that it is there merely for prevention purposes.
“Walmart has them, every mall has them; it’s not going to hurt your cell phone. But it’s nice to have a little prevention,” Shields said.

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