2015 Homecoming Court chosen

Last week the Class of 2016 nominated their senior Homecoming Court candidates. The nominees are John Giesey, Kyle Morris, Lefatshe Lefatshe, Nathan Nordwald, Adam Darknell and Keegan Chrisco for Homecoming King and Aideen McEnaney, Chloe Myers, Briana Isakson, Caroline Victor, Katherine Frisbee and Gabrielle Whitesides for Homecoming Queen. The voting opened on September 10, 2015.
“I’m very excited about being a candidate. It’s a huge honor that I’m very thankful for and I can’t wait for the dance,” senior quarterback Kyle Morris said.
The dance is on Saturday, September 19 and the football game is on Friday, September 18 against the Waynesville Tigers.
That Friday is a staff development day, so students will not be in classes.