Drama teaches valuable skills

Lights, camera, ACTION! Drama is a fun activity that people can become involved in with or without experience. Drama can be fun to do, but it is also very educational. Drama should be counted as an English credit because it improves speech, memorization, and confidence. Drama truly improves speech.
As people learn and memorize their scripts they have to alter the way they speak sometimes. People learn to over enunciate things and to speak clearly. If they don’t speak with clarity then the people in the audience will not understand them and will lose interest. So as they speak they have to learn to project their voices so that people can hear them from any part of the auditorium. By improving upon these skills people learn to stand with good posture and it can help when giving speeches. People may say that drama is easy, but the people who say that probably haven’t acted before. There is so much work put into acting and to performing. It doesn’t just improve speech, though it also improves memorization.
When people go to perform or give a speech, they have to memorize things. As they learn to memorize their script, they can develop certain methods to memorizing that can then apply to any class or anything else that they will need to memorize or even remember. Memorization comes into play with a lot of things that people do throughout their lives. From speeches to any test formulas or equations, people’s need for a class. By being involved in something like Drama can open up new opportunities for making friends and gaining confidence.
Performing in front of people can be tough. Many people have some form of stage fright and won’t even get onto a stage. Some people learn to just let go and let themselves get into character completely and learn how to not notice the audience. Over time, the fears people feel will fade and they will have a new form of confidence in themselves. For many, performing can be thrilling. Being able to make people laugh, smile, cry, and even interested can be an exciting thing.
Drama can improve speech, memorization, and confidence. It can be fun or even stressful, but it can be worth the trouble.