Artist Feature: Kasi Jones

Artist Feature: Kasi Jones

Art means something different to everyone; to sophomore Kasi Jones, art is an important part of her day to day life. Drawing and painting calms her from the daily stressors of life and school.

“Doodling, drawing, and painting makes me happy, but also gives me a goal to work towards. Over the summer, I set a goal to push myself in order to become better at realistic art, so I tried to draw everyday over summer,” Jones said.

Jones grew up with many artistic influences one being her mother, who has always made sure art was incorporated within the home.

“I’ve been painting with watercolors with my mom for as long as I can remember. She also has been teaching me how to draw since I was 8,” Jones shares.

So many hobbies have created an outlet for teenagers to express themselves. Some teens find tranquility in unique fashion or creative writing, but Jones prefers drawing. The reason why art has become such an important part of her life is the fact that it can neither be right nor wrong. She loves the broad spectrum of personal details that it can include.

“I love how art is self expression and everyone has their own style of drawing, you can see how people construe other things,” Jones said.

Jones’ artwork mainly consists of realistic drawings. Most of her inspiration comes from animals, scenic views, and people. She also takes inspiration from her favorite artist, Salvador Dali.

Jones expressed that most artists feel the need to be perfect as soon as they start on a project. Although she feels that there are no rules in art, Jones did share some ways to perfect a product.

“I think if you’re wanting to be a great artist it takes practice, and if you don’t think you are good at something draw it over and over, because that is the only way to improve,” Jones said.